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Were they Newsworthy?

In small town St. Louis, good or bad, everyone's business was everyone else's. Domestic violence... divorce... death. You may be surprised what you discover.


 To Find Relatives Who Lived in St. Louis


You can search Online Missouri Census Records (including images)
for the following years...


  • 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1940.
    ***1880 Missouri Census Records Index and Images (index is free with registration - viewing images requires payment) There is a census from June and November that year.

  • Look in Ancestry's US Census Records Collection (FREE AT THE LIBRARY!)

  • Missouri and USA Census Records at FamilySearch

  • 1940 Missouri and USA Census at FamilySearch

Or search the St. Louis Genealogical Society website!


Check the Phone Book!

(previously known as The City Directory) 





Ship Passenger Lists?




To find out which side your family was on:




Find War Vets Here:



Ancestry Research Tips!


Use these to track progress throughout your research. Or use this one!

  •  Go to the LIBRARY!

Don't want t pay for online research? Access all records..... free!

To find the closest library to you, click here!

225 S Skinker Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63105

REAL Records, REAL Newspapers, REAL HiSTORY! 

MLK was there!!!

  • REGISTER an account for,, and/or

A long-lost cousin may have already done much of the legwork for you!
Say "Hello!" Their grandmother may be listed in your census record.

  • Allot SPACE in your phone and computer for screenshots and newspaper clippings.

Organize them in a folder by each family name.

  • Buy a NOTEBOOK

You will gather so much info so quickly you'll need to go old school.
You may need to write down links, dates, addresses (to visit later), etc. Leave this ancestral artifact with your descendants!

  • Have FUN (but be CAREFUL)!

Many neighborhoods our relatives settled have now fallen victim to massive westward movement. The house you are looking for may or may not be standing. The street it is on may or may not be safe. 

© 2024 by AJA. Proudly created by Our St. Louis HiSTORY, LLC

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